The headset can be an indispensable communication tool, especially when working from home, you may need to protect yourself from ambient noise to complete your work. Headsets are also particularly popular with gamers, who need products to enjoy the atmosphere created by game developers and chat with their teammates. Even if you have the best PC gaming headset, you still won’t have the absolute best experience until you set it up correctly. This is what you need to know.

How to configure headset on pc w10?


To use a headset, you must connect it. We know it’s simple, but if you’re not familiar with the audio ports available on your PC, it’s easy to make mistakes. This can be done by connecting the end of the headset cable to an available port on the PC or wirelessly. Here are the options for headset owners:

• 3.5mm connector: Older and cheaper headsets usually have the cable split at the end, with two 3.5mm connectors, one for audio output and one for the microphone. (Microphone is pink, a headset is green).

• USB: USB powered headset provides an enhanced experience due to built-in amplifiers, controls and other features, although there is not much difference between the USB and 3.5mm connectors in terms of quality.

• Wireless: Whether it’s Bluetooth or you need a dedicated USB wireless receiver, these headsets can remove all cables between computers, making you feel more comfortable without worrying about clutter.

Depending on the case and motherboard installed in the desktop PC, there might be ports available on the front or next to it, which can be useful if the cable is short or if there are no free ports on the back. The most important factor in sound quality is the motherboard sound card. Compare it to a dedicated digital-to-analogue converter (DAC).

How to configure headset on pc w10: Checking the sound output in Windows 10

After connecting the headset to the PC, it’s time to verify that Windows is properly installed and configured with sound levels, etc. First, we need to check if Windows has selected headset as the default output device.

1. Left-click the sound icon on the taskbar.

2. Select the sound device from the drop-down menu.

3. Select the connected headset.

This can be included on the USB cradle or motherboard audio brand and model – it depends on the type of connection used by the headset. You can rename each entry in this list to make it easier to decipher which entry.

Now we need to test the output to make sure we have selected the correct device and everything is ok. You can do this by opening some media on your PC or using the Windows test function.

1. Right-click the sound icon on the taskbar.

2. Select Open Sound Settings.

3. Select the sound control panel on the right.

4. Select the headset (there should be a green checkmark).

5. Hit Attributes. (You can rename this sound output here for easy switching.)

6. Select the Advanced tab.

7. Press the test button.


If you hear sound from the headset, you can start. Otherwise, make sure you’ve selected the correct sound output device and the headset is plugged in (we’re all in some places where it doesn’t work because it’s not physically plugged in).

Recording your own voice

After that, we need to select the microphone as the default input device and turn up the volume. To do this, we performed similar steps for the headset.

1. Right-click the sound icon on the taskbar.

2. Select Open Sound Settings.

3. Select the sound control panel on the right.

4. Select the Recording tab.

5. Select the microphone.

6. Click Set As Default.

7. Open the properties window.

8. Select the Level tab.

9. Adjust the volume accordingly.

Be sure to launch your favourite VoIP app (Discord is a good choice) or recording software to test the microphone output.

Some apps can fully control the microphone and adjust the volume accordingly. In contrast, others allow you to manipulate the volume of the software package to prevent you from opening this recording window every time.

How to configure headset on pc w10: Windows headset troubleshooting

Make sure you use the correct port.

Is it connected? Are you using the correct port? For 3.5mm connectors, depending on the available sound card, usually, the output is green and the input is pink. Mix these two together and nothing will happen. Newer motherboards have multiple ports for surround sound, so you might need to consult the manual for more details.

Auto-detection may be working
OEM software may interfere here. If you have software like Realtek’s HD Audio Manager, try disabling jack detection and see if that helps.

Reinstall the driver

If the headset doesn’t work, the problem could be with the driver. Go to device manager and uninstall the connected headset driver. Restart the PC and reconnect the headset to allow Windows to reinstall them. Yes, this is the tried and tested “close and open” process, but it works.

Choose a different format

If you still can’t get any information, try selecting a different input/output format in the properties window (use the headset steps above).

No sound

Depending on the brand and model of the headset, it may support controls located on the cable. The volume slider and mute button are easy to access here, but make sure they’re set up and used.

Try different headset/devices

To see if the issue is headset related (not PC related), try using it on another PC or device. If you have a headset, you can also try connecting another headset.

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