More and more our activities are being carried out by computer. Whether for work or leisure, we are always in front of a screen performing functions. This makes it all the more important to keep a computer running smoothly.

Imagine having to deal with a device that cannot perform multiple tasks at the same time, whether due to low RAM memory or for any other reason. That’s why it’s essential to acquire good items and also take care of your computer’s settings.

With that in mind, let’s better understand what RAM memory is and explain how always carrying out the cleaning procedure on it can generate a huge increase in your machine’s efficiency.

First, what is RAM memory?

RAM memory is your computer’s working memory. It works by temporarily saving the data being used by the system.

Let’s understand better. When you install a program or save your vacation photos in a folder, that data is stored on the HD or SSD. On the other hand, when you open your browser, the data used to perform this task is temporarily stored in RAM memory.

When the tasks are finished, the RAM memory is freed for the computer’s new demands. This memory is much faster than a hard drive, for example, and this is what allows for fluid and crash-free use in the notebook.

Accessing the Task Manager in Windows it is possible to discover in real-time how much each application is demanding of RAM memory and how much is still available unused. This is a good alternative to find out which program is draining your RAM and getting in the way, for example.

It is important to clarify that a system with RAM memory to spare will hardly have crashes or slowdowns when performing its tasks.

Access our catalogue if you are in need of more RAM to install on your notebook or any other storage item. We will certainly have what you are looking for: a quality product with excellent value for money.

How to clean your RAM memory

  • Restarting the computer: yes, this is the most practical and fastest way to free up space in your device’s RAM memory. This is because, when restarting, several processes that are no longer being needed are stopped and this allows this free memory to be allocated for other activities. For those who always keep the notebook on, a good tip is to restart the device from time to time. This simple action can help a lot when the low RAM memory available is not yet so critical.

  • Uninstall software: Many programs may continue to consume your computer’s RAM even when you are not using it directly. They are running operations in the background, and the impact on notebook efficiency can be significant. So, uninstall those programs you no longer use on your computer. Do this by navigating to “Settings > Applications” and clicking “Uninstall” on any program you wish to remove.

  • Watch out for malware: it is important to check your notebook for malware. These rogue software are capable of consuming a lot of RAM from your computer and maybe that’s what’s causing your machine to slow down excessively. There are several software that scans through this malware, so choose the one you prefer and keep your machine safe from this problem.

  • Manage your programs: heavy programs that demand a lot from your computer can be a problem for the RAM memory of devices. Therefore, it is important to think about whether they are really the most suitable option for your type of use. Photoshop, for example, is software that demands a lot of RAM and requires a computer with good settings to run smoothly. If your notebook doesn’t have this adequate power, it’s worth trying other lighter programs that perform similar functions, such as GIMP. Also be careful not to leave multiple programs open at the same time, as this can make your computer’s speed plummet. Whenever you finish using it, close the program and, if possible, use one at a time.

  • Beware of RAM cleaning utilities: It is common to find RAM cleaning utilities that claim to be effective in cleaning your computer’s memory. It seems tempting, indeed, to be able to improve your machine’s performance in this very practical way, but we recommend avoiding this type of program. These utilities can create a false sense of RAM memory cleanup, but they do so at a very high cost: taking memory away from programs that really need it to function properly.


That said, following the other tips we’ve given you and paying attention to how you use your computer is a much more reliable way to deal with RAM.

If your use really requires a large amount of RAM memory, our suggestion is to invest in an upgrade so that your experience is productive. This can be a great tip, especially for those who work with heavy programs. Let’s better understand how to know when to perform this memory upgrade.

When to upgrade RAM memory?

The first sign that you need to invest in RAM memory is when your computer starts to slow down when you open heavier programs, which put more demands on the machine.

It’s also worth investing when you want to keep multiple applications open at the same time. RAM memory is important for you to be able to do this without your computer starting to slow down.

Also, if you use a program or game that already makes it clear in the specifications that it demands more RAM than your computer has available, it’s a sign that performing this upgrade is a mandatory step for you to be able to use the program without any problems. .

It is important to check if your notebook allows this upgrade, as some have RAM memory permanently attached to the motherboard. In general, 8GB is the minimum adopted today to run programs smoothly.

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